"Buncombe-County" Convocation 3-20-2024
The promise of salvation is offered to those who simply believe. Eternal life is the gift to the believer who places their trust in Jesus Christ, God's one and only son.
Abba (Abwoon), Creator of all things, who is light and love, in whom there is no darkness at all, we thank you for the gifts of your galactic progeny, and your Spirit of living waters who springs Life eternal, as resurrector of The WORD sacrificed before the foundation of the world.
We pray an invitation of your Ruach (spirit) on this county convention and ordination of your Kingdom, of which you are Sovereign. We pray your blessings and wisdom upon all here, that your Will be done (qara) to the restoration of all things; that all those here be endowed with and recognized as Sons and Daughters of Elohim (God), that we may be the brothers and sisters of Mashiach (Messiah) that were prayed for by your Word made Flesh, sitting at your right hand;
Praying, Abba, “I desire they also whom you gave me may be with me where I am, that they may behold my Kavod (glory) which you have given me; for you loved me before the foundation of the world (Jhn 17:24)”; Just as we were chosen by Creator’s Yahid (only son) before the foundation of the world , that we should be Qodesh (Holy) and without blame as participants with the three witnesses in Perichoresis (Circle Dance) in Heaven in Agape (Love).
We pray and declare these things in the name you gave to your Yahid, in remembrance of your first and greatest loving instruction, that we do not let your name come to naught, praying through Yeshua in YHWH, YHWH our Elohim, YHWH Ehad (as one). Amen.
*Parentheses (reference)
**Prayer opened the “Buncombe-County” Convention March 20, 2024, to ratify the Buncombe County Bi-Lateral Social Compact, as well as a Reciprocal Acknowledgement of Existence within “North-Carolina”, and establishing “The People”. Further information may be found at https://ashevilleassembly.net/bsc/
Good morning.
Can you explain what you mean by natural law/s?
Also, what you think of the work of Florence Shin.